Friday, September 21, 2012

Legacy of the Drow

Legacy of the Drow: Collector's Edition by R.A. Salvatore
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

So, I enjoyed these books. Not the most intellectual, but for a fantasy lover that is looking for a fun but easy read, these are good. The fourth book ends without wrapping up all the loose ends, to entice you to his next series I'm sure, but wraps up enough to not leave the reader unsatisfied.

The characters of these books are basically well developed D&D characters, which is what the Forgotten Realm books are all based on. They have the traits that are expected and, yet, Salvatore finds interesting ways to tweak the basic D&D molds just a little, to make the characters different and interesting. But because they are based on a specific mold, the characters tend to not have too much depth (thus adding to the book’s fun read, but not too thought provoking status).

I would say that Salvatore has two main strengths in the books I have read so far. His playing of the characters off of one another is wonderful, often making me laugh out loud while reading. The camaraderie of the companions seems real and sincere, not forced. His other strength is in his detail of battle scenes, especially fights involving the main character, Drizzt. You feel like you’re in the action, without him adding so many details that they weigh down and slow the action.

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